All about me and the build up to our getaway!

Created by Emily 9 years ago
Hi there, My name is Emily I am 25 years old and I have just completed my treatment for Ewings Sarcoma. For those of you reading this that have never heard of Ewings, don't worry neither had I a year ago! It is a rare form of bone cancer which usually occurs in children and teenagers. I was diagnosed at 24 so I was a rarer case and to make it even more different my cancer had formed in the soft tissue around my middle finger on my right hand, luckily it hadn't grew into the bone. I was also relived to know it was localised to my hand. Because my tumour was quite small I had surgery to remove it for the biopsy which is where I was diagnosed with a malignant tumour but I had further surgery where more soft tissue and bone was removed which led to my Ewings sarcoma diagnosis. I then underwent 9 months of intensive chemotherapy during which I had 6 weeks of radiotherapy too. I have finished all my treatment now and on the road to recovery!! It has been a tough year for me and my partner Ben, he has been my rock through all of it and has worked hard to keep things running smoothly especially our finances, as we had just purchased our first house together just as I was diagnosed. He also asked me to marry him in January this year, an event that helped me through some of my darkest days but with my treatment schedule and the side effects of the chemotherapy we never got to celebrate our engagement so this little getaway is going to give us the chance to do that while spending some quality time together and giving us both a break we really need. We also get to bring our dog with us for his first holiday, which im totally excited about too. Its a week away from our special day trip and I can't wait!!I'll be sure to take lots of photos and update you when I get back!! Emily :)
